Introduction: Awesome Mini Catapult!

About: I like airsoft, paintball and really anything that has to do with guns. I am also kind of pyro, i like fire and explosions. I also like sports.

well,i m still to lazy to take pictures and yesterday i blew up my camera so pay good atention to the directions.

Step 1:

all you need is a small piece of thin wood,a long tight spring,a plastic spoon,powerful elastics and some hot glue. now,lets get started!

Step 2:

now drill a hole in the wood just big enough for the sping to fit snugly into. you may want to put a blob of hot glue on the bottom of the spring so it stays in the hole.

Step 3:

now glue the spoon to the spring (make sure you do a good job of this or your catapult won't work).

Step 4:

now glue your elastic to the back of the handle of you spoon then glue the other end to the wood behind it (you need to do a good job of this too)

Step 5:

you're done!!!  now go shoot somebody!