Introduction: Office Supply Catapult, Goes 35 Feet!!!

What you need:
- 10 pencils
- at least 14 rubber bands
- strong string
- bottle cap
- scissors
- something to make a hole in the bottle cap
Also please remember to vote for me in the office supplies contest.

Step 1:

Do what the picture shows.

Step 2:

This is the the next step. also use more than one rubber band if you want to make it stronger.

Step 3:

Make a square.

Step 4:

Do this.

Step 5:

Make a slanted square on top.

Step 6:

Put this on.

Step 7:

Put the other pencil on and tie the string on the bottom.

Step 8:

Cut one of the rubber bands.

Step 9:

Tie the rubber band around the two front pencils.

Step 10:

Put the last pencil through the string.

Step 11:

Wind the pencil up in the string

Step 12:

Push the pencil up through the string and place it behind the rubber band.

Step 13:

Make a hole in the bottle cap big enough so the pencil can fit in.

Step 14:

Now push the pencil into the bottle cap. Now your finished! Hope you have fun! You can also slide the string back and forth along the two side pencils to change the angle of the catapult, and the farther you wind the pencil in the string the farther it will go!
Office Supplies Contest

Participated in the
Office Supplies Contest