Introduction: Origami Cat

About: Hi there. I'm Hannah. I'm fifteen. I like to smile :)

i love cats and origami. if you do this is the instructable is 4 j00

Step 1: What You Need

you need
- a piece of paper square or rectagle
- a pencil (optianal)

Step 2: Time 2 Get Folding

fold the top left point so it makes a ponit on the right the same for square paper

Step 3: Cutting

you can cut the paper any way you want.i did the fold n lick

Step 4: More Folding (yay)!

fold like the pictures

Step 5: Make the Chin

fold the point up for the chin until ur happy

Step 6: Be ~*>creative<*~

draw ur face any way you'd like i chose is very simple

Step 7: Ending

now ur done yay! very simple and adicting make as many as you want