Introduction: Paper Kunai Knife Naruto Easy and Cheap

hi um... im gonna show u howda make a kunai knife
there is all ready 1 out there w/ a sheath but not as good as mine
mine is much more durable but i have 2 thank rachelisbored95
nvm i rachelisbored spamed me so no thanks ha

just look at the pics

Step 1: Step 1 Materials

1 sheet of paper
unsharpifyed new pencil
tape of any kind execept painters/scotch tape

** the big kunai took 4 sheets of paper and no pencil**

**clothy tape (gaffers tape) works better than others**

Step 2: Step 2

1cut the paper into 4ths
2set two aside for the ring and handle
3fold 2 of the 4ths in half long ways (hot dog) then unfold
4fold the corners in on them 'til they reach the 1/2 way line
5fold it like a paper airplane (just look at the pics)
6fold in 1/2 on crease
7put the 2 together like IN THE PICS
7tape ALL (it will be alot more durable if you tape ALL)
8 it should look like the pic

Step 3: Step 3

curl both of the other 4ths
one curls hotdog
one curls hamburger
tape and then flatten the shorter 1 and put aside
tape the longer 1 to the pencil and stick the eraser side down into the blade
fold the pointy parts together and tape like in pic #7 and 8
take the short part and curve it so it fits around your finger and cut off the rest
tape your ring to the handle
add a different color tape for the handle wraparound