Introduction: (pengun)

probably... no ... it is the worlds easiest pen gun ever invented! made with 2 rubber bands and a papermate flexigrip ultra pen! please note that this pen gun is far too good to ignore! and yet is just a pull and fire.
(i higly recommend that you do not shoot any1 in the face!)
have someone you hate? well payback's a bitch!
(please remember that this is my first instructble soo be nice)

Step 1: Building the Pen

now take off both lid and bottom as shown in pic, the rest is not required yet.

Step 2: 2nd

loop the rubber band into the lid (well the clip anyway)see pic:

Step 3: 3rd

now push the other end of the rubber band through the top of the lid (the hole) and insert the buttom part into the lid.

Step 4: 4th

now push the lid (and back thingie) onto the pen with the rubber band hanging out side and pull the rubber band to the other end of the pen and fasten it there by using the second rubber band. and your finished!!