Introduction: Pocket Sized Lego Gun

About: kinesthetic, hands on, willing to try things out of my comfort zone, i love biking and sailing

This is my mini Lego gun its simple to make and only takes 5minutes top to make. 
The things i like and specifically wanted in this little gun was it to shoot quiet far and to be really strong when it hits the target.  

Step 1: Building the Gun

hope fully you can make the gun from the pictures its a little hard to explain how to build  

Step 2: Placing Rubber Bands

the rubber band is easy to put on the gun once u hav it on u place the washer (bullet/ammo) on the up side down T and put the rubber band over it and then to fire pull the T down until the washer(bullet) flys off.

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest