Introduction: Rainy Season Tips : Alfamart Official Partner Merchandise FIFA Piala Dunia Brazil 2014

About: just blogger from another world

Here are some tips to Alfamart have clothes basket remains safe and protected from mildew and odor,

Before being put into the basket , you should squeeze and hang your wet clothes first so your clothes are stored in a state that is not too wet , thereby reducing the risk of mildew and odors . In addition , clear of food crumbs , pieces of paper or other debris that is stuck in your clothes .

Use a dry cloth pad as bed linen basket former place to store your dirty clothes . This will help absorb your clothes are wet from rain or sweat , and dust on your clothes . Try to always replace it if it feels damp .

Whatever type of basket you , do not forget to always clean up the basket at least 2 weeks and make sure the basket is in a dry state before use .

Do not leave dirty clothes and save it for days , it becomes the cause of mold and odor.

Use fabric softener and deodorizer clothes when you wash your clothes . Softener and deodorizer these clothes you can get in Alfamart nearest you .

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