Introduction: S0lekill3r's Knex Halo Master Cheaf Helmet

About: well im always in the world of the mastrios yannyboy here is my top ten list of my favorite users: 1.Barrax(proly cause of ure mosin) 2.Slime Q Slimedog 3.Viccie.B1993 4.The_burrito_master 5.Knex_builder_fre…

hey guy's since my last guns that i built ive been trying to build a helmet out of knex and all of them i decided to build s0lekill3r's halo helmet heres a video of the helmet:

Step 1: Top Part

this is the top part of the helmet it holds it on your head

Step 2: Jaw Protection

this bit covers your jaws/mouth

Step 3: The Sides

these are the sides of the helmet

Step 4: The Back

this is the back

Step 5: Assembly!

this is how to assemble

Step 6: Done!

and ther yyou are a cool looking halo helmet