Introduction: Safe Fireworks Ignitor

tired of lighting M-80s and such and having it blow up in your face or made a firework and not knowing what will happen when you light it then make my ignitor

Step 1: Making the Lighter Part 1

take the average dollar store lighter and take the outer metal casing off by pulling both sides out that are next to the striker wheel

Step 2: Making the Lighter Part 2

now you can see the inside of the lighter take the little black wheel with teeth on it (not the striker) and pull it off the white wheel without completly taking it off the lighter move it alll the way to the left then push it back on to the white wheel and turn it all the way to the right then do it 4 more times and light the lighter kapow!!!! thre is now a huge flame

Step 3: Finish

now take the new large flame lighter and attach it to a 5 foot pole leaving the lighter side as an extension to the pole and now when you need to light something dangerous start the lighter tape the thing that keeps it on down so it stays on and light it without any danger

Step 4: Notes

i will be adding more to this so don't be disappointed