Introduction: Radio Controlled Cardboard Hovercraft

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This is a radio controlled hovercraft with an all cardboard body, and  plastic skirt. This hovercraft is highly maneuverable, and extremely simplistic in design. Since the design of this hovercraft includes swap-able motors and other electronics, the electronics can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle thus reducing costs. The environmental impact of building this hovercraft is minimal since cardboard (renewable), and plastic (recyclable) are two major aspects of the design. Due to the electric nature of this hovercraft, no Carbon Dioxide emissions are released. 

Step 1: Secure the Supplies

To make this hovercraft, you will need a/an:

1. 18A Brushless ESC(Electronic Speed Control)  (banana connectors/heat sink tubing may be needed)
2.  8.4 gram Servo
3. 37gram 1300 KV Motor
4. Lithium Polymer Battery: 2-3 Cells
5. radio reciever/ transmitter 
6. ~1cm wooden cylinder/rod
7. 8*4 8*3.8 ( 8in diameter propeller, 4 in pitch propeller) 
8. cardboard box
9. tape
10. hot glue
11. plastic bag(zip lock, or any other flat flexible bag that can be sealed)
12. scissors/X-Acto cutting blade
13. clevices, control rods of some kind
The ESC, servo, and motor can be obtained from this link directly. Depending on stock, the battery, receiver and transmitter may be available from this site also.

Step 2: Solder All Electronics, and Make Sure the Reciever and Transmitter Bind

1. Depending on your electronics, you may need a soldering gun to solder joints between the Motor, ESC, and battery. Always use JST, or any other style connector for your battery to ESC connection. The gold pieces seen in the first picture to the top are banana connectors that transfer power from the ESC( in blue) to the motor. Basically,

Power from the battery to the ESC to the receiver to the motor and the servos
*Power from the receiver to the motor must go back through the ESC to get back to the motor.

only one servo is needed to make this hovercraft

2. After all joints are soldered, plug in the receiver connectors(located in the center of the first picture) from the servo and ESC into the actual receiver (last picture). Make sure the motor and servo work when under the control of the transmitter. In other words bind the transmitter to the receiver and make sure "everything works."

Step 3: Assemble the Hardware

1. Using a flat closed plastic bag, mark the bag with the dimensions listed. The actual bag should be about 16in x 14in.
2. Cut 3 inches into the actual bag's length and width. (leave an extra inch to provide a surface for the cardboard to rest)
Also, to clarify, cut completely through the bag.
3.Cut a piece of cardboard 12in x 10in. 
4. Cut a 2in x 8in hole in the cardboard panel (as seen in the 5th picture from the top.
5. Create an inlet to force air into the plastic bag(skirt). The inlet should be at least 8 in long and 4 in wide for the propeller. 
6.Attach the motor to a wooden rod and secure it to the craft thus allowing swap-ablilty to the motor 
7.Create a vertical stabilizer with a rudder and add any supporting pieces if necessary.
8.Glue down the vertical stablizer
9. Attach the rudder to the servo using connecting rods or cables.
10. Tape down all other electronics to the back of the inlet to ensure swap-ablilty of electronics
11. Glue the plastic bag(skirt) to the cardboard panel
12. Make a cover over the battery (as seen in the last picture) so that it stays put.
*Few dimensions are given for these steps, because there are few critical dimensions necessary for the hovercraft to function. Experiment  with the dimensions to see which works best for you.

Step 4: Test the Cardboard Hovercraft

Here' a short clip of the Hovercraft in action. Thank you, the Instructables Team, for allowing world-wide sharing of ideas.

*If you're using the Instructables App, use this link to view the video.


Step 5: Updates

RC Cardboard Hovercraft V1.5

1. Detachable hovercraft skirt
  • The detachable hovercraft skirt enables you to modify the hovercraft without having to make a new skirt each time. This update also allows for easier transport, and a more efficient way to clean the hovercraft skirt.
2.Battery Shifting
  • Shifting the battery left and right in the hovercraft allows for more maneuverability in turns. This feature uses the key element of variable weight distribution to shift the hovercraft left and right.
Here's a link to the video featuring the updates.

Special Thanks to Cesar M. for his help in the Battery Shifting concept. 

Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

First Prize in the
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

UP! Contest

Participated in the
UP! Contest