Introduction: How to Make a Margarita

About: Usually making something on this site.
As you can see from the picture, I have spent my fair share of time perfecting the art of how to make a margarita. This Instructable is more about finding the margarita that you prefer vs. some random guy/gal on the Internet wants to drink.

I prefer a margarita, on the rocks, that I can just taste the tequila without it being too strong. If I wanted lemonade, I would just drink lemonade :) Figuring out just the right proportions of your ingredients will let you fine tune your recipe to match your taste preferences.

Margaritas are simple to make, but I rarely get one that I enjoy at a restaurant or bar. Here's my latest recipe that gives me a perfect margarita every time.

2 oz. (Quality) Tequila
2 oz. (Freshly Squeezed) Lime Juice
1 oz. Simple Syrup

Here's another that I have tried and liked for a while:

2 oz. Tequila
1.75 oz. Cointreau or Patron Citronge
1.75 oz. Lime Juice
1.5 oz. Simple Syrup

Step 1: Make Your Own Lime Juice

This is pretty straight forward, but you need to buy one of these.

TIP: Freeze your leftover lime juice.

Step 2: Mix Your Ingredients

I'm a Patron Anejo guy. Avoid the headaches and don't go cheap on the Tequila.

I also always use a cocktail mixer with ice.

Give it a good shake.

Step 3: Salt Your Glass

Dip the glass in your lime juice before you use it all, then add salt.

Step 4: Pour and Drink!

Now I can't wait until summer time. Remember to freeze your leftover lime juice!

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