Introduction: [Collegiate Meals] How to Prep Cook and Eat Spaghetti Squash

About: Engineer making renewable energy products for African entrepreneurs.
Squash is one of those elusive vegetables.... It just sits there... staring you down at the grocery store all safe and cool in it's refrigerated reclining chair.

Well not anymore! Here's how to get past that tough skin and chow down on some noodle squash.

Step 1: Ingridients

1 Spaghetti Squash

And you thought there would be a long shopping list. Ha!

Step 2: Prep (preheat Oven to 350F)

As touched on earlier... This variety of squash has some tough skin. So, I recommend that you pop the whole thing in the microwave for about 30 seconds per pound. I have a 4 pound squash -- so 2 minutes it is.

Remove from the microwave and pierce the squash in the center to make a cut down the length. You may want to lift and bang the squash (while holding the knife) into the counter while doing so. And yes, this is the toughness after softening ;) When you've cut everything except the stem, use your hands an rip the squash open.

Now, scoop out the innards and seeds and place in a bowl -- we'll roast those seeds shortly.

Place two pats of butter inside each squash and place on a foiled and buttered baking sheet/pan with the cut side down.

Step 3: Cook and Serve

Pop in the oven for 45-60 minutes or until the skin is soft.

While waiting, cook and snack on some seeds.

When it's done, remove from oven and flip over. Using a fork, scrape out your delicious vegetable noodles :)

This is a really versatile vegetable -- serve without an additional seasoning (I do like the flavor) or with a little salt. For a little bit more, you can serve with a white sauce, tomato sauce, sprinkled with a hard cheese (like Parmesan) or even with other vegetables/fungi.