Introduction: -Make an Easy Poster Frame From Planks-
Hello you,
This is my first instructable and I hope you find it easy to follow cause it’s a very cost effective way to display your posters the “adult way”. Since I’m from Greece I won’t be giving you product names and also keep in mind that this is my first time working with wood and it’s not perfect but it was sooo easy to make.
So my brother went to Amsterdam and this is what happens.
I wanted a poster from the Van Gogh museum but I wasn’t expecting them to be this large. There are no cheep frames at this size and I wanted to make a frame as cheap as possible and I did it! From planks! It only cost 2.60 euro’s. (Only counting what I had to buy, the pouty and the joints).
If you want to do the same this is what you’ll need:
Screw driver
L shaped Joints
Stapler or Thumbtacks
Wood glue
A saw
Sand paper
Wood pouty and spatula (optional)
Large pieces of wood (I found mine on the street)
A meter
( I google translated most of these, I hope it makes sense)
Step 1: Measure Your Poster.
I measured the vertical side of the poster first since the planks will be adjoined (we are not making the cute triangle ones that require you to be a math genius) so you’ll have to add to the horizontal dimensions of the poster the width of both of the side planks (see picture) before you cut the horizontal ones. I realize now that this is self explicatory but I for one measured it all wrong and thankfully I had more wood.
Step 2: Prepare the Wood
Cut the wood and sand it. Then wipe it with a wet cloth.
Step 3: Just in Case ...
Fix cracks with glue, wood pouty and spatula. Then repeat step 2. (this step is optional, my planks were in a semi bad condition)
Step 4: Screw It!
Apply wood glue on the edge of the planks and screw the metal L-joints. Make sure that the screws are the correct size for the wood you are using (you do that on the back side of the frame and you don’t want them to penetrate the wood to the other side). If you want the joints to be visible for a more industrial look put them in the front.(still make sure screws are not too big or else might damage your wall). It was very easy and I did it using a plain screw driver.
Then apply wood glue as if it was paint. I did this because I didn’t want to buy a varnish and because I’ve been using this technique for years and its cheap and amazing. It makes the wood “stronger” and it doesn’t absorb the paint like crazy. Leave it dry. Wood glue dries transparent. If your planks are in good condition you can skip this.
Fun fact, i left it outside to dry on a starry night and then, the Armageddon happen and it rained for hours. Of course i wasn't at home. Of course.I found it sticky and white and sad looking and disgusting but after a few hours at the sun it was like nothing ever happen.
Step 5: Paint It. (again Optional)
I had a really hard time to decide what color I should use.
I’m no expert when it comes to choose the right color of a frame to match an art piece. You should consider your furniture and wall color, the size of the frame and of course the painting. Since my frame was large and the poster in bright bold colors I followed my golden rule that says “grey goes with everything”. I also say that for jeans). And since i 'm so skilful with computers I used Paint to give me an idea of how it would look like. I also added a little bit of green to tie the poster with the frame. If choosing a color confuses you, you can leave it as it is or stain it so the wood would be visible.
Step 6: The Hard Part
Make the poster stay in place using thumbtacks.
(this is hard.) I recommend you use help and don’t be like me. As you can see I did it. What you can't see is small drops of sweat all over it.
When you are done secure it with tape. Use a tape that is paper friendly that won’t get sticky and yellow over the years.
Step 7: Display!
That’s it! I’m not giving you any dimensions because each poster its different, because mine it’s all wrong and because I spent hours every month converting feet and inches to centimeters and pounds to grams etc, and I just can’t.
This project was not an original idea of mine but a slightly different version with only a few alterations of this amazing guy’s tutorial that I suggest you to try.
What was harder than the frame making was writing this tutorial. All my writing is me translating the way i speak so please feel free to correct any mistakes so this thing makes sense.
Tell me what you think!