Introduction: 10 AA Battery DC12V Socket USB Charger

I have many AA NiMH rechargable batteries that I wanted to use to recharge various mobile devices. My goal was to fully charge multiple devices if possible. After searching eBay for electronic parts, I came up with the idea of using a 10 AA battery holder wired to a DC12V car socket. I could then use any USB car charger to recharge my devices using the AA batteries.

Step 1: Parts Required

Acquire the following parts:

  1. DC12V Car Charger Cigarette Lighter Female Socket Outlet with Wire Leads
  2. 10 AA Battery Clip Holder Case with Wire Leads
  3. USB Car Charger with 1 or 2 ports and total current draw <= 3A
  4. Digital Multi Meter (DMM)


  1. The 10 AA Battery Holder connects the AA batteries in series
  2. The wire leads on the DC12V Car Charger Socket have a higher gauge compared to the 10 AA Battery Holder.
  3. I purchased my parts from eBay

Step 2: Assembly Steps

Assembly steps:

  1. Desolder and remove the red & black wire leads from the 10 AA Battery Holder
  2. Solder the DC12V Car Charger Socket red & black wire leads to the respective terminals on the 10 AA Battery Holder
  3. Use the DMM to check that the DC12V Car Charger Socket is wired properly

Step 3: Usage

To charge a USB device:

  1. Insert 10 AA batteries. Note: 2000mAh NiMH AA batteries will give the equivalent of 24Wh.
  2. Insert USB Car Charger into socket. For testing, use a USB Car Charger with LED light. The LED light should turn on if the Socket is soldered properly.
  3. Plug in USB device to charge.