1/100 Zakucannon Ms-06k Airbrushed + Camoflouged and Modified (slightly)


Intro: 1/100 Zakucannon Ms-06k Airbrushed + Camoflouged and Modified (slightly)

if u want more comment for an instructable. if u have a question comment. on the sheild the three spikes are modified ( they are not supposed to be there) the "nails" on the sheild are modified too.
ask away.


how much is this MG. like 40 bucks?

i had an idea for soem custom paint for the wing gundams but by the time i had the idea the kits were scarce and pricey and after my endless waltz wing zero got broken >:( i just kinda got turned off by the whole thing
1 year later response =) how did it break??? JUst finished a model today will be posting tommorrow mail me for and questions its a : B-ATM-03 fatty ground custom