12 Fun Notepad Scripts


Intro: 12 Fun Notepad Scripts

Notepad is a simple text editor from Microsoft, which is included in all versions of Windows. It can be used to create documents and other text files. But in this instructable, you will learn to create 10 Fun Scripts with it. Some of these can also be used to prank another computer.

STEP 1: Auto Typing/ Ghost Typing .vbs

What does this do: This Script automatically types the letters of your message.

To change the message:

First, right-click on the file and select Edit.

The file will open in notepad

All you have to do is replace the letters in the quotation marks.

You can also change the speed by replacing the 100s

STEP 2: Open Calculator .vbs

What does this do: This Script open the calculator

STEP 3: Ejector .vbs

What does this do: This Script opens/ejects the CD/DVD ROM Drive

Some Anti-Virus may say that it has a virus but it's false.

STEP 4: Keyboard Light Disco .vbs

What does this do: This script makes the keyboard lights disco.

Can also be used as a Prank

To stop it, you will have to go to Task Manager>Processes and exit wscript.exe process

STEP 5: Matrix .bat

What does this do: This script creates random green numbers which resemble the background of The Matrix

STEP 6: Paint .vbs

What does this do: This script opens Microsoft Paint

STEP 7: Shut Down .bat

What does this do: This Script shuts down the computer

Can be used as a prank. To disguise it, you will need to create a shortcut and then change the icon as the original file's icon cannot be changed.

STEP 8: Simple Text to Speech .vbs

What does this do: This Script is a simple text to speech. That's all

STEP 9: Fake Virus Message .vbs

What does this do: This Script just keeps popping up an annoying message saying virus alert/ virus found

Can be used as a prank. To disguise it, you will need to create a shortcut and then change the icon as the original file's icon cannot be changed.

To stop it, you will have to go to Task Manager>Processes and exit wscript.exe process

STEP 10: Your Name .vbs

What does this do: This scripts asks you for your name and then displays messages about you

To change the messages, right-click on the file, select Edit and change the messages in the quotation marks in the brackets

STEP 11: Pure Evil Virus .vbs

What does this do: This Script scares the hell out of you (or your vitim) by saying that Drive C has to be formated

Can be used as a prank. To disguise it, you will need to create a shortcut and then change the icon as the original file's icon cannot be changed.

STEP 12: More Pure Evilness .vbs

What does this do: This Script really is pure evil. It keeps typing HA HA HA everywhere.

Don't use it yourself.

To prank your victim, you will need to disguise it. To disguise it, you will need to create a shortcut and then change the icon as the original file's icon cannot be changed. Set the icon to something the victim would normally click on, like browser.

To stop it, you will have to go to Task Manager>Processes and exit wscript.exe process

Some Anti-Virus will delete it

STEP 13: Have Fun

None of these Scripts were created by me

Now have fun Pranking or doing whatever you want

To convert to exe, visit this site: http://www.f2ko.de/index.php?lang=en


im trying to make aStep 11: Pure Evil Virus .vbsthast saiy will you be my valentine's but it wont work can you guys help me

Msgbox "Your computer has been infected by a virus!",16,"WARNING!!"
dim x,yes,no
X=MsgBox("to avoid deleting of files, kindly answer these requests", 52, "WARENING!")
if x=6 then
dim box
if box=6 then
Msgbox "you..",16,"//"
Msgbox "be..",64,"11"
Msgbox "my 😉",16,">//<"
Msgbox "valentines 😣? ",64,"❤"
end if
if boxe=7 then
Msgbox "my 😉",16,">//<"
Msgbox "valentines 😣? ",64,"❤"
end if
end if
if x=7 then
Msgbox "WHY NOT :<",16,“:("
end if
there are to many typos
Msgbox "Your computer has been infected by a virus!",16,"WARNING!!"
dim x,yes,no
X=MsgBox("to avoid deleting of files, kindly answer these requests", 52, "WARNING!")
if x=6 then
dim box
if box=6 then
Msgbox "you..",16,"//"
Msgbox "be..",64,"11"
Msgbox "my ",16,">//<"
Msgbox "valentines? ",64
end if
if box=7 then
Msgbox "my ",16,">//<"
Msgbox "valentines? ",64
end if
end if
if x=7 then
Msgbox "WHY NOT :<",16
end if
this works tho
im testing with emojis now
Hi I am trying to prank my friends but I got into an error. This is the script: X=MsgBox("Error while opening this file, do you want us to fix the problem?",4+64,"Error (0x6437SG73)")
X=MsgBox("Unable to fix the issue. Do you want us to scan your Computer?",3+48,"Windows Security Alert!")
X=MsgBox("Threat has been detected. Do you want to delete this program?",3+16,"Threat Found! Action needed")
X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this threat",1+64,"Critical Error")
X=MsgBox("Virus is Activated",2+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Deleting System Files..",2+16,"File Deletion")
X=MsgBox("Copying your credentials",2+48,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Please wait. Uploading your files to hack server. Do you want to stop it?",4+64,"Transfering files....")
X=MsgBox("Can not stop.Access is denied. File transfer Completed",1+16,"Completed")
X=MsgBox("Your computer is hacked by TheSkinWalker",1+68,"Error (0x64GBHSG73)")
X=MsgBox("Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart :(",1+48,"Firewall Alert!")
set shellobj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shellobj.run "cmd"
wscript.sleep 2000
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "s"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "h"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "u"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "t"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "d"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "o"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "w"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "n "
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "-"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "s "
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "-"
wscript.sleep 300
Shellobj.run.sendkes "f "
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "-"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "t "
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "6"
wscript.sleep 30
Shellobj.run.sendkeys "0"
wscript.sleep 2000
Shellobj.sendkeys "{ENTER}"

Interesting stuff. Will any of these pranks cause long-term damage to a computer?

They are safe to use and won't cause any damage but ejector.vbs and evil.vbs will be detected as harmful by anti viruses.

I took a look at a few namely the auto type, and the keyboard disco, and they are perfectly safe. You can verify yourself, to edit vbs file just right click on the downloaded file and hit edit, if you get asked which application to use I'd suggest note pad. Vbs files, like these, won't run until you run them.

lol thE KeYBORD iS GoinG CRAZY AFTeR ThE KeYbord script

Open TASK MANAGER, Disable that script, if it doesn't work then, Open cmd and type taskkill /f /im svchost.exe and click enter so the computer Bluescreens to debug it... and everything is back to normal
can you please give the codes as a text ? because my antvirus is deleting them.😢
Just disable the antivirus
Try this code?
Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wshshell.run "cmd"
wshshell.sendkeys "L"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "O"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "L"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys " "
how do you make it so that you press yes something happens and you press no and something else happens?
Unfortunately, that's not how VBScript Script Files work... it doesn't do that, try it out for yourself but no if you don't believe me then I don't care but try... tell me when you did it if you want to
Is that FAKE (please tell me its fake)
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