15 Second Paper Screamer


Intro: 15 Second Paper Screamer

This is my first instructable, so I thought I'd do something simple. Sorry for the lack of any actual photographs; my camera lost its will to live and dove off the table... I hope my crude 'Paint' drawings will suffice.

This may be common knowledge. Feel free to let me know if my instructable is completely worthless. Here we go...

STEP 1: Rectangulatin'

You'll need a small rectangle of paper. Size and precision are not important here (you don't even need scissors, just tear it out). 2 inches by 4 inches works well.

STEP 2: Halves and Quarters

Fold the paper in half width-wise, then fold the ends to the center crease. You should end up with something like this:

STEP 3: Notch It...

Tear a couple of notches in the center crease. Size and number of notches are not crucial...

STEP 4: Blow!

Place the center crease between your index and middle fingers so that the center section extends outward. Press against your mouth as shown. Blow! You'll have to experiment a little with the gap between your fingers, but when you get it right, it'll scream! These are VERY loud.


I tried it. It didn't work, or maybe it's just me????

this is awesome and extremely easy! thank you so much :D I'm off to annoy the whole city

Awesome! Thanks so much but could you add a tip to hold it? Its quite to know how to blow but...

For those people who don't know how to blow into it properly follow this (It's easier) :

1) Hold it landscape (opposite to the picture).
2) Hold it with 2 hands and DON'T squeeze just hold firmly.
3) BLOW!

That way it should work =D 
love'n it love'n it love'n it!!!!!!!!!!! my sisters don't though.....mwah ha ha ha ha!!!!! thanks for the instructable!!!!
A piece of plastic does pretty much the same thing but you can experiment with the size of the holes and produce different pitches. Nice, I'll teach this to my students the next time we do some paper project and we have bits of paper. Ought to annoy the other teachers like hell but the kids are gonna love it. Sure the look isn't great but the idea is. Keep it up.
looks like hes picking his nose lol
I made it, but how do you hold it? I don't quite understand the last step. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. :)
I might possibly be able to help you. O K. It is sort of hard to tell you I would have to show you. ANYWAY, you hold it like this: _/\_ With your fingers on the sides HERE->_/\_<- And Here. A good illustration would be to look up the insructable paper whistle on the picture shown is how you should hold this one. This is for if I am confusing the crap out of you. Then(we are back in how to hold the screamer) You just move your fingers together and apart until the screamer makes a high pitch squealing noise.
dont sware ......... joke cool
this whistle is very annoying i used it in class long story short a fight ensued and one kid is in jail the other suspended effective, eh?
how tell me all that happended on my page...
this thing kicks *** brought it on a school bus , and annoyed the crap out of everyone, excelent
I'm selling them at school for like 10 cents
bad instructable but fun screamer thing
LOL!! It works great after playing around for a min or two. I have a new way to annoy people!
This Thing is Awsome! I know what im doing on the bus tomorrow.....
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