Introduction: 16 Tons Hydraulic Press

Press thing is not the first need, but many are useful in the household. Especially people who like to tinker in a garage or a workshop. While making it very easy.

Step 1: Make a Foundation

For the base we use the channel.

Everything is simple, we weld a rectangular structure with movable part in the middle. Base dimensions 105х55cm, you can make your size.

Drill holes for the choice of height, weld the legs.

Step 2: Make Hydraulics

Our task is to make the jack work upside down

Get a stopper from a jack, drain the oil. Unscrew the big nut on top of the jack, remove the cover, see two holes, we are interested in a hole near the piston. Through this hole, oil is pumped into the working cylinder. It is necessary to make so that oil acted in a cylinder when the jack is turned upside down. For this, I used a hose from a disposarle infusion set. Fix the tube with glue and collect the jack in the reverse order. Fill the oil with a syringe back into the jack, maybe have to add more oil, it's OK.

Step 3: Finish

Make a platform on which we mount a jack. Weld to the plate eight nuts, four on each side. Bolts and plates are fixed in our base. Jack can be moved left or right.