2 4GHz Single Turn Double Helical Antenna


Intro: 2 4GHz Single Turn Double Helical Antenna

2.4GHz Single Turn Double Helical Antenna

In this video I will show you how to construct a double helical antenna for 2.4GHz. This design is small and gives more db gain (around 6.8) without sacrificing beamwidth.

Template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzmJxxD-Z4B6bTI2YnAwa3BtaGc/view?usp=sharing


Mr. McNeil,

Could you address two related items:

1) Quad Helical Antenna design,

2) An array of four Quad Helical Antennas located on the corners of a square, with special attention to addressing the issue of impedance matching.

Thanks for sharing!