2" Coaxial Prototype


Intro: 2" Coaxial Prototype

A better one will be posted later. This is a demo video of my current air gun.
This is a coaxial piston gun.  The blowgun trigger is my pilot valve.  The piston is 2" with a built in check valve.  The barrel is 1/2" smooth bore.


Could you make an Instructable for this one? It looks awesome!
I have better designs now, but I haven't messed with pneumatics in a while.
Yeah, and maybe size. The way it works though, the trigger is technically inside the tank. The barrel shouldn't effect it.
Awesome! You should make an instructable!
Depends, I might for a smaller or simpler gun.
the only thing missing is a fittingly AWESUM paintjob :)
Nice work bro! Thats looken' pree' sweet :)

Needs some paint but :P
I know, I'll get to that eventually haha
nice job cow, btw did you check out mine?
WOW!!!! AWESOME!!!! You did it again!!!!! :-)
Thanks! I hope to make a better one when I get money ;D
Very good start! Any chance of an air reservoir for multiple shots?
Yes actually, the real gun I plan to assemble will be a full coaxial sniper rifle, preferable steel, with a reservoir tank, bipod, mountable scope, and wood stock as well.
I plan to make it the best possible. No point in making 5 prototypes haha...