2 Liter Storage


Intro: 2 Liter Storage

An easy, awesome, throwable, portable storage thingy.

STEP 1: Door

mark a door on the side 4 to 5 inches wide and any length down... also cut off the label

STEP 2: Seal

1. open door and smooth edges for easy open/close on hinge. then take some hot glue and glue a rubber band to the side of the door closer to the non-hinged side. then take a drill and drill a small hole in the opposite side and glue a small pointed object in the hole... you have a latch!

STEP 3: Finish

Thanks, please comment... oh and add a screw on lid and LEDs (not shown) for the awesome storage unit


dang thats cool. at first i was like how the heck is the book in the bottle.. but then i saw the other pictures and stuff. cool instructable :D
alright, like did anybody else get what this as about? Because I know I certainly didn't.
I feel we need a "2 liter bottle uses" guide on Instructables...
yes, now you have a book taking 3 times the space in the shelf... cool...
yeah I don't get that either. What's the point? It's not air or water tight. What purpose does this serve?
its purpose is to sit there and be awesome. but seriously, i dont get the point of it. either
If the bottle was clear, it could a quasi-terrarium.
That's cool, in a surreal "hey-look-at-that-book-in-a-bottle-wait-how-didi-that-book-get-in-the-bottle" sort of way...
i can make a ship in a bottle now LMAO!
man u have to much time
why do you hate me.
You could make the door, and slide the label back on so u cant see the cuts, and amaze your friends with your abilities to put books in bottles!
Don't understand step from directions, can't see anything in photo. How does the latch work?