2007 Ford Mustang Interior Lighting System


Intro: 2007 Ford Mustang Interior Lighting System

This is for a LED lighting kit installation for any car but for this one I used a 2007 Ford Mustang. This lighting kid goes near both the front and passenger's feet and also the back seats as well.

STEP 1: Connect the Power Source

You are going to need to connect the LED lights to the adapter for your car in this step.

STEP 2: Connect LED to Your Car

Find something to zip-strip the LED to underneath both seats and the passenger and driver sides by their feet. You will need to also need to adhere the LED box to somewhere easily accessible in your car.

STEP 3: Hide All Wires

You can tuck the wires underneath the center console and in between the two seats. You can plug it in and it will light up your car!