3 Simple Foods to Reduce Belly Fat


Intro: 3 Simple Foods to Reduce Belly Fat

Here are 3 foods to fight belly fat, it really help you not just get rid of a little unwanted fat, but make your body healthier, too!



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Fat is only burned when the body expends more energy than it consumes. Only when consumption is less than energy is expended will fat be converted and then metabolized. The fat that is converted does not come from any area of the anatomy that a person decides. Instead, the body decides where to take the fat from. Belly fat cannot be specifically targeted by the individual.

Every food has the potential to become fat, regardless of how non-fat the food itself happens to be. A diet of pure sugar and snacks can help a person lose weight, if the total caloric intake is less than the energy expended by activity.

There is no magic fat erasing food. If and when fat is converted, a person is simply lucky if it happens to come from the specific area they want it to be removed from.