Introduction: 3 Ways to Attach Succulents to Driftwood to Get Them to Grow
Succulents and driftwood are a match made in heaven, just like peanut butter and bananas or brussel sprouts and balsamic vinegar. Okay, you may not agree with me at all about the last one but the other 2 are hard to dispute. The majority of succulents growing in nature are not found growing on the beach, but for whatever reason, this pairing works really well. This video is all about showing you 3 ways, other than planting, to attach succulents to driftwood to actually get them to grow and last for more than just a few weeks.
Step 1:
An assortment of driftwood I recently found on the beaches of Santa Barbara.
Some succulent cuttings are much longer lasting than others but they all need something to root into to keep them looking fresh for the long haul. Succulents will hot glue directly onto the driftwood but if you use something coarser to attach to, like moss or sheet coir, they’ll adhere much better and be easier to water.
Step 2: Watch This & See How I Do It.
The materials I talk about & use in the video:
Sheet Coco Coir (I by this by the yard at our local Ace Hardware)
Hot Glue (this is my preferred method of attaching by the way)
You may not have a beach nearby you but no frets because driftwood is available online. Or, any kind of interesting wood will do. I often use palm debris (I’m not sure what else to call it!) for creating art with succulents and air plants. It’s free, tough and interesting. Be sure to keep your eyes open when you out for a walk – you’ll be surprised at what Mother Nature presents you with.
Happy Creating,
Nell - Joy Us garden