3 Yummy Yet Unique Smoothie Recipes!!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹


Intro: 3 Yummy Yet Unique Smoothie Recipes!!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

This is a journey of cooking

STEP 1: Immunity Booster Shake!

So, this is our first recipe let's do it guys!
In this pandemic we need to boost our immunity. This recipe is perfect!!!!

Almonds - 20 almonds max. needed
Cardomom powder
1 banana
1-2 tbs honey
3tbs sugar

1) Grind almonds to powder and add cardamom powder and mix well.
2) mix honey with the almond-cardamom powder and mix
3) cut banana and put it in mixer also add the almond-cardamom mix which we had made add sugar and add milk grind for few mins and serve

This one was pretty easy, right?

STEP 2: Mix Up?

So , this recipe is also very simple.

Chocolate syrup/sauce or cocoa powder
Strawberries (optional)
Raisens-5 pieces

1) mix Banana and Chocolate syrup/sauce or cocoa powder together nicely!
2)add strawberries and raisens and sugar and mix well keep this at side
3)add milk in mixer and add the mix that we made grind for few mins and serve

STEP 3: Special Recipe

This is simply and can be made in 3 mins!

Chopped apple.
Chopped banana

1) mix chopped apple and Banana with sugar and keep at side
2) put milk in mixer jar and add the mix

Easy and quick


Wow the first one sounds really good. I love adding Cardamom into my foods.
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