Introduction: 3-fer: Diaper, Jack-O Lantern, and Pumpkin Seeds!

You just need a pumpkin, a punkin, and a sharp knife. Couldn't be easier...

   Pumpkin large enough for your Punkin,
   Sharp knife
   Vegetable peeler, (optional)
   Oven (Optional, for cooking seeds)
   Candles (optional, for displaying Jack-o-lantern)

Step 1: Choose and Carve Diaper

Choose a pumkin large enough to insert your child.
As you would commence with any jack-o-lantern, start by cutting a hole in the top of the pumpkin. Just make sure it is big enough for you child's torso plus a little extra for "wiggle room".
Carve two large holes for his/her legs, Again, assure enough space for "wiggle room"
Use the knife or a vegetable peeler to smooth out the holes. Surprisignly, pumpkin skin is tough enough to scratch Baby.
...Make sure your child is happy - having just eaten or just woken up from nap is key....
Insert child into pumkin and take lots of pictures
Treat baby to a bath...

Step 2: Make Pumpkin Seeds

Preheat the oven to about 350F. Separate all seeds from containing "pulp". Discard "pulp" and rinse retained seeds. Add about a tablespoon of oil to seeds, put in oven-safe pan, and sprinkle a bit of salt on top. Bake in preheated oven, turning frequently until seeds reach desired consistency (about 45m.)

Step 3: Finish With Jack-o-lantern

While pumpkin seeds are cooking, use the time to create a Jack-o-Lantern. Anything you want goes!. Insert candle. and light! Happy Halloween