3-fer: Diaper, Jack-O Lantern, and Pumpkin Seeds!


Intro: 3-fer: Diaper, Jack-O Lantern, and Pumpkin Seeds!

You just need a pumpkin, a punkin, and a sharp knife. Couldn't be easier...

   Pumpkin large enough for your Punkin,
   Sharp knife
   Vegetable peeler, (optional)
   Oven (Optional, for cooking seeds)
   Candles (optional, for displaying Jack-o-lantern)

STEP 1: Choose and Carve Diaper

Choose a pumkin large enough to insert your child.
As you would commence with any jack-o-lantern, start by cutting a hole in the top of the pumpkin. Just make sure it is big enough for you child's torso plus a little extra for "wiggle room".
Carve two large holes for his/her legs, Again, assure enough space for "wiggle room"
Use the knife or a vegetable peeler to smooth out the holes. Surprisignly, pumpkin skin is tough enough to scratch Baby.
...Make sure your child is happy - having just eaten or just woken up from nap is key....
Insert child into pumkin and take lots of pictures
Treat baby to a bath...

STEP 2: Make Pumpkin Seeds

Preheat the oven to about 350F. Separate all seeds from containing "pulp". Discard "pulp" and rinse retained seeds. Add about a tablespoon of oil to seeds, put in oven-safe pan, and sprinkle a bit of salt on top. Bake in preheated oven, turning frequently until seeds reach desired consistency (about 45m.)

STEP 3: Finish With Jack-o-lantern

While pumpkin seeds are cooking, use the time to create a Jack-o-Lantern. Anything you want goes!. Insert candle. and light! Happy Halloween


This is soooooooooooooooooooo cute! I love how she's oblivious to wearing a pumpkin, lol.
That's absolutely adorable!

And your kid is going to hate you.
oops. didn't see your post! She was just so small and the pumpkin so big... Love your linked pics!
Your baby is so cuuuuute!

...of course, all babies are :D