35MM SLR Hide Away


Intro: 35MM SLR Hide Away

Your old 35MM camera is a great place to hide little treasures or $....

STEP 1: Hiding Stuff

Just open the camera, insert objects in the area that used to carry the film

STEP 2: Tuck It Away

Put the camera in its usual spot and no one will realize there are treasures inside......(Except a thief that would probably just grab the camera itself!)


If you hide it in an old, worthless camera; when you die, your heirs will give it to charity, probably without even looking inside.

У нас фотоаппарат спиз*ят быстрее чем кольца, раритет.

All things considered though, it would still be practical for storage when you're on the go. :)

Very clever, although I think you're right about the thief just snatching the camera.

But hey, this is a way to give the thief a bit of an extra reward for appreciating neat old stuff! :)