3D Printed Honeycomb Led Lamp ( Arduino Nano - IR Proximity Sensor- 12v Led Strip )


Intro: 3D Printed Honeycomb Led Lamp ( Arduino Nano - IR Proximity Sensor- 12v Led Strip )

3D printed Honeycomb led lamp Operated by IR proximity sensor with Arduino nano with 12v led

STEP 1: 3D Printed Honeycomb Led Lamp ( Arduino Nano - IR Proximity Sensor- 12v Led Strip )

Using Fusion 360 i had designed and modeling the Honeycomb led lamp, it contain 5 parts each part can print individual

STEP 2: Circuit Chmatic

Component :

- Arduino Nano

- LED Strip 12v

- IR Proximity sensor

- Transistor PNP 2n2222

- 1K Resistor

- Power Source ( 12v )

STEP 3: Connections

- Connect IR Proximity sensor pin ( OUT ) to Arduino Nano pin ( A0 ) & VCC pin to 5v Arduino Nano pin and GND to Arduino Nano GND,

- Connect Transistor Base to 1K Resistor and Other side of resistor to Arduino Nano pin D2 & Transistor Emitter to 12v GND & Transistor Collector to LED Strip ( GND ) .

Connect LED Strip ( VCC ) to 12v ( VCC ) .

STEP 4: Coding

int ir=A0;
int led=2; // Transistor PNP 2n2222

int val=0; int ledon=0; int pushed=0;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ir, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); }

void loop() { val=digitalRead(ir); if(val==HIGH && ledon==LOW) { pushed=1-pushed; delay(100); }

ledon=val; if(pushed==HIGH) { Serial.println("led on"); digitalWrite(led, LOW); } else { Serial.println("led off"); digitalWrite(led, HIGH); } }

STEP 5: Print All the Parts

All Parts here :



Using Cura i had slice all the parts ,

I hade to use small support for the base model

Layer Height : 0.2 mm

Infill : 10%

Infill Pattern : Gyroid

Support for one model ( Base )

Speed : 50mm/s