3D Printed LED Keychain Light (x5)


Intro: 3D Printed LED Keychain Light (x5)

Approximate project cost: <$1
Max print dimensions 56 x 30 x 8mm

Visit www.project3dprint.com to download the free STL files and order the electronics for this project! Then follow this instructable on how to assemble it all together!

Want a super easy and quick project to print and build? Well, this project ticks the boxes and it’s useful for anyone, making it a great gift idea! Everyone needs a keychain light for those dark nights when you can’t find the keyhole to your front door or for when the lights go out!Made up of only 2 small printed components and only 2 electronic components, this little guy only takes about 30 minutes to print and a few minutes to put together! The electronics kit contains components to make 10x LED keychain lights! So not only can you make one for your own set of keys but you can print them for your family and friends too!

STEP 1: 3D Print Your Parts

There are two simple parts to print, the main housing and the battery holder. Its a very simple print which can be printed without any support material and will only take around 30 minutes. Be sure to print in the natural orientation of the STL files you download. Clean up your parts and make sure the battery holder slides in and out smoothly. You may have to tune the small locking clip on the side of the battery holder with a craft knife to ensure a nice interface between the two parts.

STEP 2: Trim the LED Legs 10mm

Before you insert the LED into the housing, its important to trim 10mm off each leg so that the LED fits correctly. You can trim them with pliers or a pair of scissors.

STEP 3: Insert LED Into Housing

Once you've trimmed the LED legs you can insert the LED legs through the two small holes that are at the base of the LED opening.

IMPORTANT: As LED's are polarized, its important that the longer leg (the positive (+) leg) is inserted through the top hole of the LED opening as shown. If not, the LED will not work.

You will then need to take a small screw driver, insert it through the battery holder slot and push each leg to the top and bottom surface as much as possible (refer photo). If not, when you insert the battery and battery holder into the side slot, the legs will bend interfere and be pushed out of the way causing the LED to not work. (Its a little tricky to then get the legs back into place!! It can be done but with a lot of patience!).

STEP 4: Insert Battery

The final step is to insert the battery and battery holder into the housing. Make sure the battery is inserted with the positive (+) side facing upwards. Next, take a small screwdriver (or similar) and insert it under the button tab and lift both the plastic button tab and the upper LED leg up slightly. Whilst holding, carefully slide the battery and holder into the housing. The battery must slide in between each of the LED legs. IMPORTANT: Do not force the battery holder into place if the LED legs are interfering, otherwise you will bend and damage the LED legs. As mentioned, they are then difficult to bend back into place! So be patient and take your time!

Once the battery and holder is correctly in place you should be able to push down on the button tab which forces the upper LED leg to make contact with the top of the battery, turning the LED on! When you release pressure on the button tab, the LED will turn off!