3D Shadow-Box Photo


Intro: 3D Shadow-Box Photo

This is a guide on how to create a 3d image using numerous copies of the same photo. By reading this instructable, you will be able to assemble a cool looking 3D shadow-box photo for free. Check out the video on the 6th step or look at the photos below to see what you will soon be creating.

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STEP 1: Preparation and Planning

the first step is to take a picture that has a foreground, a middle ground, and a background.

Next, if you wish, you can turn the picture gray-scale to add a more serious effect to your photo.

Plan out your picture ahead of time, much like I did below.

After figuring out how many different levels their will be in the picture, print out that amount of the previously prepared photo.

My picture had 4 different levels, as you can see in the second photo below.

STEP 2: Cutting the Photos

In this step, you must first cut out the foreground of the first photo, then cut out the foreground and the middle ground in the second photo, and leave the last photo (background) alone.

See the images below to see what I mean.

STEP 3: Assembling of the 3D Photo

This part is the most complicated of all of the steps.

In this step, you must first take the background photo and put it down in front of you.

Using "spacers" such as foam, matches (see the first picture below), or wood, place it down beneath the next layer of the photo to keep that layer suspended over the one behind it and to give it the 3D effect.

Hot glue the "spacers" (foam/wood) on to the background photo where the middle ground will go. Then hot glue the middle ground onto these "spacers". See the second image below.

After this, do the same thing, only glue "spacers" onto the middle ground where the foreground will go. Glue the foreground image onto these "spacers" to complete the 3D photo. See the third image below.

Your 3D photo is now complete. Now onto the Shadow-Box!

Tip: I glued two match-sticks on top of each other to make the each level farther apart, but you can do whatever seems to look best for your photo.

STEP 4: Assembling the Shadow-Box

Assembling the shadow-box is much easier than it seems.

I first measured and cut a piece of cardboard the size of my 3D photo, and set it aside. I then cut 4 other pieces, to go around the outside of the shadow-box. If you do not know what I mean, see the pictures below. Assemble the shadow-box using your glue of choice.

When the shadow box is complete and looks like the one in the third image below, feel free to decorate or spray paint your shadow-box in any way you wish.

STEP 5: Final Assembly

The last step of this instructable is to use the glue of your choice (I suggest a glue stick to be neat) and glue the 3D photo to the bottom of your shadow-box. Your 3D shadow-box photo is now complete. Check out the one I made below or watch the YouTube video on the intro and 6th step.

STEP 6: Final Product

Hopefully if you followed the direction in this Instructable, you have a fully completed 3D Shadow-Box Photo ready to be hung in your nearest art gallery. Go ahead and watch the video below to see my final product, or just look at the images below.

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I know not every one can do this, but, Photoshop, or GIMP would help greatly. to cut them into layers, so that you dont have like 3 copies of everything in the box... for example, I would Have 4 images, and in the first i would remove as much of the rock and person as possible... and then in the second try to get rid of the person from the rock. (some of what i said could easily be done with just simply taking a picture with the person there and one without the person, just for a clean "slate") Maybe I'll do an indestructible.(and credit you for the inspiration) either way, very nice !
Thanks for posting this i did this with a portrait and landscape of my mum for mothers day.
Thanks for posting this instructable! I've wanted to do one of these for a LONG time but haven't been able to figure out the best way to do it. I have a plan for a Mother's Day gift for my mom......and I like the video. It shows the 3-Dness of it better!
Great idea but the video was not necessary.
One tip when doing collages like this: Try outlining the pieces that you cut out with a black felt tipped pen. It really takes away from a picture when you can see the white outline from the paper. Just run it along the side of the paper, and you'll see that it gives a much more realistic effect.
How simple yet very creative I'm doing this tomorrow props on this.
Nice job! I might want to try this out with the Instructables Robot..
Its better in person though...
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This is brilliant, I am doing this when I get home!
My Grandma is obsessed with making these! She tries giving new 3D pictures of clowns or dogs or a 3D version of some famous painting every time someone visits. You could only have so many of these things! Good Instructable though!