3D Snowman Sculpture


Intro: 3D Snowman Sculpture

Do you want to build a Snowman? How about one that will never melt? Follow these easy steps to create a three-dimensional snowman sculpture that you can build all year long!

*The above snowmen are made by me and my 2 sons, age 7 and 11.

STEP 1: Covering the Styrofoam With Model Magic

  1. Cut a pack of 8 oz. white Model Magic into 4 equal pieces with a plastic knife.
  2. Take 1 of the 4 pieces and cut that into a 1/4th and 3/4th piece.
  3. Roll each piece into separate balls.
  4. Flatten each ball of Model Magic into a pancake like piece.
  5. Spread out the Model Magic until it will fit around the styrofoam ball, add a little extra Model Magic if needed.
  6. Push the 2 Model Magic balls together with the smaller one on the top.

STEP 2: Decorating the Snowman

  1. Choose beads or buttons to use for the eyes, nose, and buttons for the snowman. Press them into the Model Magic.
  2. Use a small piece of orange pipe cleaner to create the carrot nose.
  3. Add 2 sticks for the arms.
  4. Wrap the ribbon around the snowman's neck for a scarf and secure it with a dot of hot glue.
  5. Cut the black felt into a 1" circle, a 1 1/2" circle, and a 1 1/2" x 3" rectangle. Hot glue these 3 parts to create a cylinder form to make the top hat. The rectangle is rolled and glued into a barrel shape, gluing the circles at the top and bottom.
  6. Glue the top hat onto your snowman's head.
  7. Your snowman is finished!