4th of July Nails


Intro: 4th of July Nails

Easy american flags for the holidays!!

STEP 1: Materials

Materials needed to achieve this look: -nail gems -nail art brush -blue polish -red polish -top coat -tissue or toilet paper

STEP 2: Base

Paint your nail a solid red. Allow it to dry fully.

STEP 3: Stripes

Dip the nail art brush into white and create 3-4 stripes

STEP 4: Blue Outline

Dip nail art brush into blue. Draw a light outline of a square in the bottom left corner of your nail.

STEP 5: Fill

Fill in the outline with blue polish

STEP 6: Star

Place a silver gem shaped like a star on the blue polish

STEP 7: Clean

Scrape away extra polish with tissue or toilet paper

STEP 8: Top Coat

Apply your chrystal clear top coat and there you go! Cute nails for the 4th of july


I am a boy and I think I am going to do this
Hahaha lol Jk
Well Maby
Awesome and btw I luv ur profile pic!!!