A MATLAB Cell Counting User Interface


Intro: A MATLAB Cell Counting User Interface

Counting cells manually from a microscopic image is tedious, especially when we have a batch of microscopic images to analyze. In our sandbox project, we have created a MATLAB user interface (GUI) that can count the number of cells from a microscopic image automatically, and also analysis the average cell size.

STEP 1: Type "Cell_Count_Gui" in the Command Window to Launch the Users Interface

STEP 2: Press the ‘Load a Picture’ Button and Select the Cell Image You Want to Analyze From the File Path Dialog Window

STEP 3: Press the ‘Count the Cell Numbers’ Button and It Will Circle the Cell Edge and Display the Number About How Many Cells in the Picture.

STEP 4: Press the ‘Average Cell Size(Pixels)’ Button and It Displays the Number About the Average Cell Size of the Cell in the Picture.


i want code for wbc cell count of microscopic blood image