Introduction: A Slot Machine Made From 34600pcs 5mm Magnetic Balls
A slot machine is a coin-operated casino gambling machine that generates random combinations of symbols on a dial. Its layout is a display with three reels that have pictures printed on them which rotate when a lever is pulled. When same numbers or pictures line up, this constitutes a win!
In this post, I show you how to build a slot machine from 34600pcs 5mm magnetic balls.
840 pieces 5mm white magnetic balls
964 pieces 5mm brown magnetic balls
1000 pieces 5mm light blue magnetic balls
1832 pieces 5mm nickel magnetic balls
1918 pieces 5mm light black magnetic balls
1935 pieces 5mm blue-ish green-ish magnetic balls
2070 pieces 5mm silver magnetic balls
2905 pieces 5mm black magnetic balls
2917 pieces 5mm green magnetic balls
2958 pieces 5mm red magnetic balls
2961 pieces 5mm pink magnetic balls
3014 pieces 5mm gold magnetic balls
3039 pieces 5mm blue magnetic balls
3120 pieces 5mm purple magnetic balls
3127 pieces 5mm orange magnetic balls