A Twist on a Tissue Rose


Intro: A Twist on a Tissue Rose

This instructable will show how to make a delicate rose from plain facial tissue.


Very nicely done I watched the video without sound and still found it easy to follow and final results were great, I'm gonna show my bro this, he entertains people queuing to enter a tourist attraction, this could be very handy.
I have never seen these before until where i worked made us make them and give them to customers. They are cute.
I saw David Copperfield do this once during a show. (of course *his* was made of flash paper and when he was done making it, he pulled out a lighter and turned it first into a fireball, then into a *real* rose) ;-)

Well done!
Funny enough, it was circa 1985 when I saw the very same show (I think the Great Wall of China). That's the exact show and illusion that started me making this type of rose. Then many years of adaptations. Sadly, I probably will not be able to turn it into a real rose!
Wow! This rose looks very good and very detailed. Well done.
Thanks Barry, each time I try to stagger the petals just a little different to get a more realistic look.
Nicely done and very creative!
Well done, well put together. Bravo!
Thanks Mrballeng, you do fine work yourself.