Introduction: A Last Minute Duke Nukem Cosplay
It's Time to kick Ass and chew Bubblegum with this cosplay.
you need:
A Red Vest
Blue Jeans
A Duke Nukem Belt Buckle (or make your own)
Black Fingerless Gloves
Black Sunglasses
A Flat Top Crew Cut
A Hair Comb
Gold Humbrol Enamel Paint
An M1911 Toy gun
A Bullet Belt
Black Humbrol Enamel Paint
White Humbrol Enamel Paint
you need:
A Red Vest
Blue Jeans
A Duke Nukem Belt Buckle (or make your own)
Black Fingerless Gloves
Black Sunglasses
A Flat Top Crew Cut
A Hair Comb
Gold Humbrol Enamel Paint
An M1911 Toy gun
A Bullet Belt
Black Humbrol Enamel Paint
White Humbrol Enamel Paint
Step 1: Duke's Gun
And i'm all outta gum...
Let's start with Duke's Pistol.
Lay your Cap gun on newspaper and Prepare your Gold and Black Paint.
with some masking tape, cover the Black areas and handle on both sides and then paint it Gold. leave it for 24 hours before doing the Black.
Masking tape the Gold and the Handle and then Paint the uncovered areas Black.
Leave it for 24 hours
for the Handle, i'd recommend using Modelling clay to fill the Handle's Gaps. leave the Clay to dry for 24 hours before painting the Handle White., i'd use a small printed picture of the logo for the Handle as it would professional skill to paint it on.
Let's start with Duke's Pistol.
Lay your Cap gun on newspaper and Prepare your Gold and Black Paint.
with some masking tape, cover the Black areas and handle on both sides and then paint it Gold. leave it for 24 hours before doing the Black.
Masking tape the Gold and the Handle and then Paint the uncovered areas Black.
Leave it for 24 hours
for the Handle, i'd recommend using Modelling clay to fill the Handle's Gaps. leave the Clay to dry for 24 hours before painting the Handle White., i'd use a small printed picture of the logo for the Handle as it would professional skill to paint it on.
Step 2: The Vest.
The Vest is Relatively easy, just find a Red Vest in your loal town centre. i got mine for £1.99 from CargoBay.
i'd pick up a cheap bullet belt and attach them to either soide of your vest (Attach it to your Belt)
i'd pick up a cheap bullet belt and attach them to either soide of your vest (Attach it to your Belt)
Step 3: Jeans and Belt Buckle
You need a pair of Blue Jeans, if you don't own a pair of Blue Jeans, you haven't fufilled a life task!!
The Belt buckle can be attached to any Belt Buckle. just cut out a Duke Nukem logo onto some Cardboard, stick it together and just glue it down to the existing Belt Buckle. or you could make a buckle from steel.
The Belt buckle can be attached to any Belt Buckle. just cut out a Duke Nukem logo onto some Cardboard, stick it together and just glue it down to the existing Belt Buckle. or you could make a buckle from steel.
Step 4: Duke's Hair
You can do two things here.
you can buy a blonde wig, stick it up and starch spray it to keep it's shape.
you can go to a barbers and get a flat top done.
you can buy a blonde wig, stick it up and starch spray it to keep it's shape.
you can go to a barbers and get a flat top done.
Step 5: The Final Thing
so here's your final Duke Costume.
i hope you've enjoyed this instructable.
i'll get some better photos up later around 6:00pm GMT
i hope you've enjoyed this instructable.
i'll get some better photos up later around 6:00pm GMT