How to Update Acekard 2i to Your DSi V1.44


Intro: How to Update Acekard 2i to Your DSi V1.44

Things you need to prepare

1   Buy Acekard 2i and Micro sd card
2.  DSi /DSL/3DS below v1.44

Now I will use DS console.

Step 1: Download Acekard V4.0.0-7 3DS upgrade pack. Unzip those files and Put all the files into the root of SD card.

Step 2: Download ace3ds latest AKAIO kernel v1.8.9, unzip it and you will see there are two files: "ak2ifw_update_3ds30_dsi144_onDSi_DSXL_3DS.nds” and "ak2ifw_update_3ds30_dsi144_onDSL.nds":
if you use a DS console to do the update, we use the first patch, if you use a DSi to do the update, then use the second one, so in this guide, i have to use the first one. Just put the "ak2ifw_update_3ds30_dsi144_onDSi_DSXL_3DS.nds" file in the root of your SD card.

Step 3: Put the SD card into Acekard, insert Acekard into the DS. Power on.

Step 4:  log in and Click the : "micro card" icon.

Step 5: Click the update patch.

Step6: This step is the most important point. you need to take out the acekard 2i flashcart and then reinsert it into the DS console, then press B.

Step 7: Press Start to start the update and it will update by itself.