Acorns to Acorn Muffins in 1 Day!


Intro: Acorns to Acorn Muffins in 1 Day!

Acorns are everywhere this time of year (Sept/Oct/Nov) and they're FREE so why not use them?

STEP 1: Sunny Day in September/October Identify and Collect

Find your oak tree before collecting.

Research leaf shapes and acorn tannin levels before deciding which to collect.

Helpful link: How to identity different Oak trees.

Or the Wiki: Acorns

I'm using acorns from our Northern Red Oak tree planted by ME 35 years ago. (yes, I'm old)(wink)

The squirrels got all my English Walnuts, so I'm taking their Acorns.

STEP 2: Stuff You'll Need

Bucket/container for the acorns.

Hat for protection from the acorns.

Good cutters to open acorns.

Blender to pulverize acorns.

Strainer and clean T shirt to strain acorn masa.

Wooden/plastic/whatever utensil to scrape (play with) acorn masa.

Oh, and you'll need standard muffin making equipment: Bowl, measuring cups and spoons, muffin tin or cupcake papers, oven.

STEP 3: Collect Big Unblemished Acorns

Our Northern Red Oak is dropping a bucket full of acorns each day. (your experience may vary)

Pick up an acorn, it should look unblemished, evenly colored and have some weight.

If it has a small hole toss it, it's been eaten from the inside.

Also avoid the chomped ones. (deer,squirrels,lawn mowers)

Collect more than you think you'll need because at least 1/4 may have bad spots you can't see from the outside shell.

STEP 4: Remove the Shell

Youtube video: Opening Acorns with cutters.

Most people recommend waiting until the nuts are dry and smashing the shell then separating the broken shells from the nutmeat.

I can't wait that long, I have to see what's inside as soon as they drop to the ground. (I know, I have a problem)(wink)

STEP 5: Pulverize

Fill your blender 1/2 halfway with your shelled acorns and the rest water.

My blender holds 6 cups so I put 3 cups acorns in and filled the rest with water up to the 6 cup line.

Start blending on slow then every couple of seconds go up a speed until you're liquifying.

Continue liquifying for at least 3 minutes.

STEP 6: Rinse Your Masa

Set you colander in the sink or wash tub and place the T shirt material in it.

Pour your masa into the middle of the colander.

Gently move the masa around and scrape down the sides to let the water drain.

Do this every 5-10 minutes.

When the level is half gone add more water and move the masa again, scraping the sides as before.

Continue for at least 5 or 6 additions of more water.

Taste a small amount.

Chew with your front teeth for 10-15 seconds.

It should be the texture of sand with no or very slight bitter taste.

(You're allowed to spit it out.)

STEP 7: Squish Out the Water and Fluff

Scrape down the sides of the T shirt.

Gather the corners and twist until you can't twist no more.

Your masa is pretty well stuck together in large clumps.

Dump it all into a large bowl and whisk vigorously to separate into small clumps.

STEP 8: Food Saving

If you have a food saver you can portion out your masa to use in recipes and store in the freezer.

I save mine in 1 cup portions.

STEP 9: Muffin Recipe

Acorn Masa Muffins Recipe - Yield: 10-12 muffins


Mix together in a bowl:

2 Tablespoon Melted Butter

3 Tablespoon Honey

2 Tablespoon Sugar

1 Egg


Stir in:

1/2 Cup of Milk

1 Cup Acorn Masa


Mix dry ingredients:

1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

1 teaspoon Baking Powder

1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon Apple Pie Spice


Stir dry ingredients into the wet until moistened.

The batter will be slightly lumpy.

Pour into greased muffin tin or cupcake papers.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 mins.

STEP 10: Acorn Flour

To make flour out of the meal, first spread it in a thin layer on a cookie sheet, breaking up the big lumps.

Dry in very low oven or on counter,

When completely dry grind in spice/coffee grinder until desired consistency.

Sift ground masa with sieve to obtain flour.

Flour is not necessary for yeast bread, masa can be easily used.

Remember, acorn masa or flour has NO gluten and will not rise.


is that glutenfree ?

The Acorn flour IS gluten free but my recipe is not.

That is so cool that the acorns are from a tree you planted! Will be sure to try this next fall.

I seriously did not know you could eat acorns. This recipe sounds good although a lot of work getting the acorns usable.

If you consider not having to do all the planting, weeding, fending off critters (of all shapes and sizes) like in most gardens, it's not so bad. :)

If acorns are really bitter, why would you use them in muffins? I'm really quite curious. Do they taste better after rinsing?
Tannins in the nuts make them bitter, but are water soluble and are rinsed out. The acorn mush has a hint of earthy flavor.

This is a beautiful instructable! The only thing is, I think the "don't eat raw" warning needs to be in with the actual steps for safety's sake. Some of us taste everything along the way as we cook : )

Thanks! I try to take really good pictures so there aren't too many words.

As far as the acorns.... tasting is good.

If it's bitter the tannins haven't been rinsed out enough.

(I always cringe when I have to taste a newly rinsed batch.)(g)

And it's only a health hazard if you continue eating handfuls of acorns even tho' all your taste buds are screaming at you to STOP!

LOL. That's good to know. We had a raw walnut incident that went pretty much the same way.

Wow, I didn't know acorns were edible - well done on the 'ible and well done on the win!

Thanks so much for your complement and well wishes.

Acorns are edible but VERY bitter with tannic acid which is why they must be rinsed many times before using.


These look great! Nice Instructable with great photos :) You have my vote

Thank you!

I love your Chocolate Guinness recipe and look forward to trying it.

sounds unique and yummy!

Thanks, they are, especially with jam or honey.

I need to try this! I've never even thought of eating an acorn.

Don't eat the acorn raw!

You have to rinse the tannins out of it BEFORE it's eatable.

This is very interesting. My Daughter has an oak, maybe she could try your recipe.

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