Add "logos" to You Xbox


Intro: Add "logos" to You Xbox

Grab A temporary tattoo, A Sponge or Paper Towel
and some clear coat or clear nail polish

STEP 1: Apply It!

Apply the Temporary tattoo with the wet sponge or paper towel (or whatever you chose)

STEP 2: Now Peel It

Peel off the back of the temporary tattoo and be careful!

STEP 3: Take Clear Coat/ Nail Polish

Add A layer or two, or however much you would like, with a sponge or the nail polish brush

STEP 4: Done! ;)

Enjoy your new "log" on your xbox or whatever you chose to put it on XD


It's, more of an idea: "put temporary tattoos on something other than skin"
Have you stuck these on anything else?

well yea, its not permanent, just a fun thing to do in a few minutes. and i actually have not done it on anything else. but i have had this one on for a few weeks and nothing is wrong with it. its still just like it was when i first put it on. But like i said, i don't expect it to last long-term

When they do start wearing thin, update the last step with "they lasted (this long)". It's one of those useful things that I tend to forget...

funny I did something similar to my wallet about a month ago. August 6th to be exact. lol. oh also it would be nice to see a pic of the xbox with the new logo in step 4.
lol thats cool, and yea i was thinking that i should add the picture. and thanks for your view and comment :)