Almond Stuffed Dates Wrapped in Italian Parma Ham (Prosciutto) (GF)


Intro: Almond Stuffed Dates Wrapped in Italian Parma Ham (Prosciutto) (GF)

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STEP 1: How To

1. Using scissors, remove rind from the Prosciutto and cut each slice in half lengthwise.

2. If not already unpitted, remove the stones from the dates with a sharp knife by carefully cutting along the date and then removing the stone.

3. Place an almond in the center of the date where the stone used to sit and close the date.

4. Wrap the almond-stuffed date with a half-slice of Parma ham.

5. Line up on a lined oven tray, making sure to place the end of the ham facing down so it doesn’t unravel during cooking.

6. Place the oven tray the center of an oven that has been pre-heated to 180°C (350F) for 10 minutes.

7. Enjoy and share with friends!