Introduction: Altoids Fire Kit

Ever been stuck in the wilderness and needed to light a fire? Well I hope you never have to but if you do well here it is the waterproof altoids fire kit! ( I am not responsible for any injuries to yourself other people or property use at your own risk )

Step 1: Gather Materials

You will need:
-1 altoids tin
-1 waterproof container
- several Cotten balls
- dryer sheets
- a handful of tinder
- small piece of coal
- box of matches
- small container of Vaseline ( optional )

Step 2: Pack

Put the materials in as shown in the picture, put the altoids tin in the container & close.

Step 3: Other Options

You might could squeeze it all in the altoids tin and waterproof it & you might add fire straws i'll make an instuctable on that later and remember have fun but be safe.