Introduction: Build a Fort Out of a Couch

About: I like food, music, video games, and art. I enjoy learning languages, playing games, making music, drawing, and making things in general. Don't mind my weird instructables.

In this instructable, I will show you how to make an awesome pillow fort.
Some things you will need are: a two cushion couch with lots of pillows and a blanket.

Step 1: Stack the Cochins

First, stack two cushions like seen in the picture.

Step 2: Finish It Up

Now, stack the pillows like seen in the blurry picture and then, put the blanket across from the top of the cushions of the fort to the arm rest. And there you go! An awesome pillow fort for the win!  Please vote!  Please comment if you have suggestions.

Weekend Projects Contest

Participated in the
Weekend Projects Contest

Fort Contest

Participated in the
Fort Contest