Origami Globe


Intro: Origami Globe

So I have been making origami for years now, and finally stumbled upon this simple "triangle unit" technique. After some brainstorming, I realized that the perfect project (combination of challenge and fun) would be to make a globe. This origami globe only uses about 1400 pieces of paper, and can be turned on its axis. If you have the time and the patience, you won't regret it. Before you start any step, make sure to look through all the pictures for more detail. This is especially important for the assembly, where I recommend following the complete images exactly. The finished product looks amazing, and it's great to have standing around. Also, this is my first instructable, so I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment any questions. Have fun!

STEP 1: Cut Paper

You will need to cut the 11 inch (28cm) side of the paper into 8 strips, each 3.5cm wide. Next, cut those strips into 4 (3.5cm x 5cm) pieces. You should be able to make 32 pieces per sheet. Just repeat this step for all of your paper.

STEP 2: Plan Out the Map

For this step you will want to print out your own map or use the one that I did. Then draw a graph through it (this is where you get to choose the amount of units you use— the more units you end up using, the more accurate your globe will be). My graph was 47 units wide and 33 units high. Also, make sure to stagger the vertical lines after each intersection. You can then mark around the continents to determine the final configuration. Here you can also count all the rectangles to know how many units you will really need. Remember that this map is just a reference, and you do not need to follow it exactly. While assembling, you can alter things to make them look and feel right.

STEP 3: Stack Up the Pieces

Now that you have cut and counted the amount of units you will need, start making stacks. For reference, I used approximately:

- 45 Yellow

- 40 Purple

- 55 Orange

- 15 Green

- 100 Pink

- 20 Red

- 90 White

- 880 Blue

-170 Black

STEP 4: Start Folding

This is by far the most repetitive step, but hang in there! Check out the pictures above on how to fold the units. Also, remember that these units do not have to be folded neatly. Here, quantity is more important than quality! After each unit, I recommend sticking them into each other (as in the last picture) to stretch them out. This will give the final product a more appealing and "full" look. Also, if you have any movies or TV shows you've always wanted to watch, now's the time. Making these units allows for great multitasking.

STEP 5: Prepare for Assembly

For the assembly, you will want to start at the equator (circumference of 47 units) and move upward. Then proceed to work down towards the South. Down below are the number of units needed for each latitude South or North of the equator. Use the map you created earlier to determine the colors.

47 (Equator) -> 46 -> 45 -> 43 -> 41 -> 39 -> 37 -> 36 -> 35 -> 34 -> 31 -> 29 -> 27 -> 25 -> 22 -> 20 -> 16 (North/South Pole)

In order to decrease the number of units when working up towards the North Pole, use PICTURE #1

In order to decrease the number of units when working down to the South Pole, use PICTURE #2

STEP 6: Assembly!!!

Here comes the fun part! This is where you really get a feel for the project, and it becomes unique. The units can be put together simply by sticking one on top of the other in a brick pattern (this is why I had you make the map like that). Also make sure you space the spreading or contracting areas I mentioned in Step 5 equally, or your globe will become lopsided. This may take a while, but I have added a lot of pictures, and feel free to contact me if you need more! I also recommend using the final product as your reference, because that is what ended up working for me.

STEP 7: The Seven Continents

Use these pictures to make your continents.

STEP 8: Oceans

This is for all of the space in between the continents.

STEP 9: Make the Base

This last part is more open for you to try what you want. I kept it relatively simple by sticking a pencil through the globe, and taping/gluing the ends in place. The black arch was made by sticking a stream of units together, and was taped to the ends of the pencil. Keep in mind that the pencil DOES NOT go through the bottom part of the base as shown in the second picture, that was only useful for structure during the assembly. The base is the only part of this project that lacks some structure and solidity if you do not use any glue. If you have any other creative ideas for how to make the base, feel free to try them out!


just enjoy.


I made all of the units that I needed for the entire globe, but can't figure out how to put the pieces together. I put the equator units on top of those for the layer below, but the paper just pops out and goes everywhere or it wraps around the wrong way (so it is a ring but inversed, like your base technique) and then explodes in tiny pieces of paper. Also, I couldn't understand form the picture exactly how to decrease units without separating the ring into multiple pieces. What I am doing wrong?
To get started, it might be easiest to start with say one fourth of the equator and build that up 4 or 5 layers before moving around to complete the ring. This will help it stay in tact. I don't understand the second part of your question, but to decrease units, stick three points into the bottom of one unit (you can see this in the pictures).
Thank you! I apologize I'm not good at explaining things...
Ohhh wow ,Awesome,👏👏👏
Even een vraag. Ik wil het graag zelf gaan proberen, maartTussen
stap 6 en 8 snap ik het even niet helemaal. (heb je hier misschien grotere foto’s
van?) Als ik het vouw tot stap 7 krijg ik wel een driehoekvorm maar het lijkt
toch anders. En waar moet je die driehoekjes in elkaar schuiven? Word hier al
lijm voor gebruikt? Ik ben benieuwd. MvG. Hetty

Omg that’s so much paper! I think it might be hard so… great job!
do you guys have a youtube video that teaches you how to make the whole thing cause its cunfusing
hands, num but it was so cool once i finished : )
no entiendo bien como se hace la barra circular que recorre la tierra o que la sujeta.
No entiendo como se hace
si alguien me pudiera resolver la duda
La barra circular está hecha con unas 40 unidades apiladas una encima de la otra. La curva vendrá naturalmente.
Para hacer la base solo copia las cinco capas superiores del Polo Sur y hazlas negras. Luego pegue eso a la barra curva.
This looks dope! Great job!

Hi There are a lot of pictures but I still don't understand step 6 and how you used the black base.
Looks amazing though.🙂
Yeah ok I can explain thanks for asking. So when assembling the pieces at the beginning, do three latitudes at once (equator and two above), so they don't fall apart. The number of units in each row is listed in Step 5, but I suggest using the pictures or the map at first. Once you have a relatively sturdy first ring (by going around the equator), just build upward using the pictures as reference- then you can go down and finish it off. Building the actual Earth doesn't require glue so I really enjoyed it and didn't feel guilty haha.
For the top part of the base you want to stick the units straight on top of each other to form a semicircle, which you can then glue to the ends of a pencil which functions as an axis. For the bottom part you will probably have to use glue, and I think the picture is the best explanation.
I did cut out small cardstock circles to place in between the contact points, but that was just meant to prevent friction (like a washer) for a smoother spin.
I hope that helped :)
Amazing! I'm thinking in all black and gray this could make a great deathstar.
Hahaha I never thought of that but good idea I'll look into it.
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