Introduction: American Gothic Couples Costume

We found the idea on the internet on a site for homemade couples costumes.  The instructions were enough that we had something to go on and an idea to exploit.

Step 1: Finding the Materials

1. Find refrigerator box. A large screen TV box will work as well
2. 1 sheet - Tongue & Groove Insulation Sheathing 4ft X 8ft
3. 2 -1x1x8
4. two old back packs
5. Good Will Clothing -
6. Tempure and or acrylic Paints - Lots of black and White
7. Glue – Construction adhesive works great
8. Various hardware for attaching pieces like screws , washers, nuts, pipe strap, L Brackets, Plastic connectors like on back packs for the waist strap

Step 2: Construction

Step 1.  Cut the box to fit you and your partner.  Our box had one end intact that we utilized for both by cutting it in half and the desired width which was approximately 28”
Step 2. Paint the box completely black except for the inside back and that is painted White to be used as the “Canvas”
Step 3. Paint the American Gothic painting on the white “canvas” You can be as detailed or not as you want here. Remember you will be standing in front of this
Step 4. Cut the Insulation sheets to size for the frame. Ours were approximately 3 inch wide.
Step 5. Paint the frame wood like. I am an artist at heart and really enjoyed the painting parts of this costume. And my partner was a perfectionist at the construction side. The most difficult part was how to wear it.
Step 6. Cut the 1x to make a frame to give the cardboard box some structure and attach at the bottom of the box. 
Step 7.Screw a piece of strap to the back of the frame and attach the plastic connectors to the ends. This will form a belt strap to further hold the constume in place.
Step 8. Attach the insulation "Frame" to the outside of that box with some construction adhesive.
Step 9. Cut the straps out of the back packs & cut a piece of plywood the same shape as the back pack. Use screws nuts & washers to sandwich the back of the picture between the plywood on the outside and the back pack straps on the inside.  This is the most important piece of the costume as it will allow you to have your hands free while carrying the costume around throughout the night.

Step 3: Accessorize

My partner made the pitch fork with a dowel, some wire, and a welding rod. We ad some glasses and some rick rack that i embellished the Good Will clothing with and we found the cameo neckalce at a costume shop.  

That is about it.  Enjoy and Happy Halloween!