Arduino : How to Control Servo Motor Via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)


Intro: Arduino : How to Control Servo Motor Via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)

This instructable is the written version of my "How To Control Servo Motor via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)"

In this project we will control a Servo motor with a smartphone via bluetooth.

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STEP 1: Tutorial

In this tutorial you will be creating an aplication for controlling a servo motor. Use slider in your application and move to servo motor from 0-180.

Important Advices :

- Before uploading the code, remove the VCC cable from bluetooth module.

- If you use HC-05 bluetooth module, it will ask the PIN to you. Usually 1234.

- If you get an error similar to (ERROR 507 or 516 broken pipe) please try to connect a few times. Sometimes connection will be broken.

- Make sure that your Arduino or Genuino board is attached to your computer via USB to enable serial communication through the serial monitor window of the Arduino Software (IDE).

- Include SoftwareSerial library

*** I recommend! You not connect directly the servo motor to arduino. I suggest you use external power to the servo.
SG90 Mini RC servo motors can be used. This can damage the Arduino MG996 instant high torque. MG996 Stall Torque: 9.4kg / cm (4.8V) - 11 kg / cm (6.0V) and Operating voltage: 4.8 ~ 6.6v. I wanted to tell in this tutorial; connections, code generation and motor control. So I did not give more details about the engine.

STEP 2: Hardware Required

Hardware Required :

  • Arduino
  • Bluetooth Module (HC-06 or HC-05)
  • Servo Motor
  • Wires

STEP 3: Circuit

Connect the hardware according to the circuit diagram.

Important Advices :

  • Before uploading the code, remove the VCC cable from bluetooth module.
  • If you use HC-05 bluetooth module, it will ask the PIN to you. Usually 1234.
  • If you get an error similar to (ERROR 507 or 516 broken pipe) please try to connect a few times. Sometimes connection will be broken.
  • Make sure that your Arduino or Genuino board is attached to your computer via USB to enable serial communication through the serial monitor window of the Arduino Software (IDE).
  • Include SoftwareSerial library

STEP 4: Code

  • The Arduino hardware has built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1 (which also goes to the computer via the USB connection).
  • The SoftwareSerial library has been developed to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino, using software to replicate the functionality (hence the name "SoftwareSerial")
  • Digital pins 10 and 11 on your Arduino or Genuino boards are used as virtual RX and TX serial lines. The virtual RX pin is set up to listen for anything coming in on via the main serial line, and to then echo that data out the virtual TX line. Conversely, anything received on the virtual RX is sent out over the hardware TX.

  • Make sure that your Arduino or Genuino board is attached to your computer via USB to enable serial communication through the serial monitor window of the Arduino Software (IDE).

STEP 5: Create Application

  • Create your application with MIT App inventor.

  • After completing the Program in MIT app inventor, go to Build and select App( save .apk to my computer)
  • Transfer the file to your android mobile phone or tablet.
  • Go to setting in your android mobile; select security and device administration and give access to allow install application from unknown sources.

STEP 6: If I Was Helpful

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this guide ! I hope it helps you.

If you want to support me, you can subscribe my channel and watch my videos.

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Hello, i want to try it with multiple servos it is work with this similar coding or do i need to add more coding into it? Please tell me. i needed this for my school project
can i ask why is the servo library included twice? isn't it only once is enough?

Sir first of all thanks for your effort in which you explain each step on a very basic level.It was very helpful to us.
Sir secondly I have a question about the MIT App.The angles you provided is integer base or any other else..?.I think there is some part of image containing button info. missed in block diagram

I got this error: 515 is not connected to a Bluetooth device.
the Bluetooth device (hc-05) Blinking at high intervals.

Ok so while the running the program does the Arduino have to stay connected to my computer? I want to put this on a drone and fly it. So can I still use the bluetooth and fly it while it's disconnected?

Give me the basic steps for uoloading code for bluetooth module and servo motor
Can i first upload code for bluetooth module .
And then upload main servo motor code for runing by bluetooth controll app

Quick note about the error "516 broken pipe" for the bluetooth module, I had the same problem, and it seems the batteries where weak or not supplying enough current for Two servos + Bluetooth module + Arduino Mega. Since I switching to another battery source it didn't happen again

Oncelikle tesekkurler.burdaki bircok projeyi hobi olarak denedim.ama bu servo projelerinin genel sorunu su: baglantilarda servolar titriyor yada kendi kendine ilk takista atiyor sertce.arduinoyu usb den besleyince daha stabil ama 9v takinca(servolar gucu arduinodan aliyor) servolar cildiriyor.senin projeyide deniycem sonucu buraya yazarim.

teşekkürler mert. ben bu arduiuno program yazılışını bilmiyorum. nasıl yapılıyor hiç bilmiyorum genelde yabancılar burda yapıyorlar