Arduino : How to Control Stepper Motor Via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)


Intro: Arduino : How to Control Stepper Motor Via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)

This instructable is the written version of my "Arduino : How To Control Stepper Motor via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)"

In this project we will control a Stepper motor with a smartphone via bluetooth.

My YouTube Channel

First, you should see the following Instructable:

How to Control a Stepper Motor With L293D Motor Driver

STEP 1: Tutorial

The Stepper motor used here is a rusty old EPOCH (5 wires) stepper motor, which is a unipolar stepper.

STEP 2: Parts Required :

Parts Required :

- Bluetooth Module ( for example : HC05 or HC06 )

- Jumper Cables

STEP 3: Circuit & Connections

Bluetooth Modul VCC to Arduino 5V

(at the same time if you want, you can use 3V3)

Bluetooth Modul GND to Arduino GND

Bluetooth Modul RX to Arduino TX

Bluetooth Modul TX to Arduino RX

STEP 4: Programming

Get the Code and Application

*** When uploading code remove the Bluetooth VCC cable

STEP 5: Create Application

I use "App Inventor" for create application

MIT App Inventor

STEP 6: If I Was Helpful

First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this guide ! I hope it helps you.

If you want to support me, you can subscribe my channel and watch my videos.

My YouTube Channel


Can I know how to stop bipolar stepper motor using easy driver and hc06 module?

Could I control multiple stepper motors with this? (For a robotic arm)

Awesome by the way.

How to connect with stepper motor ?
Can you give me full circuit diagram ?
Thanks. :)

Mert kardeş tebrik ederim, güzel bir çalışma olmuş. Burada bizlerden birilerinin çalışma yaptığını görmek güzel.

Yorumun için teşekkür ederim.

Note, I've had problems with some HC-5 and HC-6 modules wired in the configuration you specify. The issue is a 5v Arduino txd signal being received by the HC-x 3.3v rxd pin. A couple of resistors used as a voltage divider to bring the voltage down to 3.3v fixed the problem for me.

This looks great! I'll try to do it tomorrow.