Arduino LED Traffic Light


Intro: Arduino LED Traffic Light

Arduino traffic light

STEP 1: Circuit Connect

According to the picture,connect the LED lights and wires to the circuit board.

STEP 2: Uploading the Code and Finalizing

After finishing circuit, you can paste my code into your Arduino IDE, connect the board with the USB transmissions, than upload the code.
That it!

You can change the delay time or adding some more things if you want.


Here is the code:

int redled = 3 ;
int yellowled = 5 ;
int greenled = 7 ;
void setup()
pinMode(redled, OUTPUT) ;
pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT) ;
pinMode(greenled, OUTPUT) ;
void loop()
digitalWrite(redled, HIGH) ;
delay(5000) ;
digitalWrite(redled, LOW) ;
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH) ;
delay(2000) ;
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW) ;
digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH) ;
delay(5000) ;
digitalWrite(greenled, LOW) ;