Arduino Simple Intrusion Detection System


Intro: Arduino Simple Intrusion Detection System

For this project we will be making a simple intrusion detection, or alarm system.

This system should set off a visual and audible alarm whenever motion or sound is detected.

You will need:

-1 Arduino Uno

-1 Passive Piezo Buzzer

-1 PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor

-1 Sound Sensor

-1 LED

-Several Jumper Wires

STEP 1: Setup the Board

1. Connect the ground rail to a ground (gnd) pin on your Arduino

2. Connect the power rail to the 5V pin on your Arduino

3. Connect the short end of your LED to a ground pin on your Arduino and the long side to digital pin 13

(When connecting your LED you may alternatively connect it to the breadboard and then connect it from there to the Arduino using a 220 Ohm resistor to preserve the life of your LED)

STEP 2: Connect the Buzzer

1. Connect the piezo buzzer to your breadboard

2. Connect the negative pin on the buzzer to your ground rail

3. Connect the positive pin on the buzzer to digital pin 8 on your Arduino

STEP 3: Connect the PIR Sensor

1. Connect the power pin on your PIR sensor to the power rail (different PIR sensors have different pin arrangements)

2. Connect the ground pin on your PIR sensor to the ground rail

3. Connect the digital output pin on your PIR sensor to digital pin 6 on your Arduino

Note: The orange screw-like things are two potentiometers. One of them adjusts the sensitivity of the sensor and the other adjusts the amount of time the sensor sends the signal for (ex. If there is no movement does it go off in 3 seconds or in 7 minutes?).

STEP 4: Connect the Sound Sensor

1. Connect the power pin on your sound sensor to the power rail on your breadboard

2. Connect the ground pin on your sound sensor to the ground rail on your breadboard

3. Connect the digital output pin on your sound sensor to digital pin 7 on your Arduino

Note: The small metal screw on the blue part of this sound sensor is the potentiometer. This adjusts the sensitivity of the microphone. turn this until the little led next to it just barely goes off in order to have a sensitive signal.

Also, be sure you use the digital out (DO) and not the analog out (AO)!

STEP 5: Upload Your Code and Enjoy

Now you should have a basic alarm system.

Feel free to play with the sensitivity of both sensors; adjust their potentiometers to see what happens.

You can also play different melodies on the buzzer if you want. Experiment and Enjoy!!


Is there an alternative for the sound sensor?

Thanks for sharing :)