Arduino Web Server


Intro: Arduino Web Server

This instructable will show you how to make an Arduino web server that you can turn an led on and off and rotate a servo motor with an internet connection.

You will need:

1x Arduino Uno:

-US Link:

-UK Link:

1x Ethernet Shield:

-US Link:

-UK Link:

1x Ethernet Cable:

-US Link:

-UK Link

1x 220 Ohm Resistor and LEDs:

-US Link:

1x 220 Ohm Resistor:

-UK Link:

1x LED:

-UK Link:

1x Micro Servo Motor:

-UK Link

1x Breadboard:

-US Link:

-UK Link

Jumper Cables:

-US Link:

-UK Link

STEP 1: The Schematic

Make this up on your breadboard!

STEP 2: Now Upload the Code

Make sure to change the IP address so it works with your router then upload it to your Arduino.

STEP 3: Connect Up:

You now need to connect up the Ethernet cable to your router and plug in your Arduino to start the program.

STEP 4: The Challenge:

See if you can make it move when connected to other Wi-Fi networks other than your own. You will need to go into router settings to do this so make sure you know what you are doing because if you change the wrong setting(s) you might be locked out and unable to change it back.


I see that your code and schematic come from Rui Santos, but nowhere do you give him credit. I think you owe it to him to put his name in the intro.

I haven't seen his schematic (or heard his name) and I made it myself using a program called fritzing.

Conor the commentor was referring to the sketch / script including the css code which I agree clearly belongs to Rui Santos... and you should credit him. The css is hosted at the domain which is owned by Rui Santos so unless you have two names that isn't you. It's good you made a Instructable showing people how to do this but credit where credit is due given that you found plenty of time to add affiliate links and to add your name in the footer of the html code

Yes I agree with robdevenney and suggest you put his name in the intro saying you used his schematic, code and give full credit to him. Also, in the code, change it from by Conor M to by Rui Santos and edited by Conor M, if you edited it of course. If not, say by Rui Santos. We all should give credit where credit is due and show appreciation for open source resources. Thank you!

Can you use this webserver to host a Bitcoin Mining pool? Or does it need more processing power?

You might need to save the website on an SD card as it wont have enough memory but I'm not sure if it would be powerful enough, you might need to us a raspberry pi2 as it has 1gb of ram.

Can you use this webserver to host a Bitcoin Mining pool? Or does it need more processing power?

Thanks have you tried it?